survived MIAD!!

I just completed an intense 5 day at the Milwaukee School of Art & Design. It was wonderful and horrible all at the same time. Much too much work for one week. The class took me from very familiar territory ( book folding techniques) to very unfamiliar territory (2 new computer programs). I somehow wish I could have started with the new stuff but in classes like this for educators you always have a very wide range of backgrounds and skill levels to work with. Dorota, the teacher, was a printmaker from Poland. A very charming and articulate instructor both about artbooks and printmaking. There were times I was frustrated but in the end I really loved it. Nevermind that my book is not bound even yet! Actually I started two books, the first being about Giverny and the second being a fun little visual story entitled "Bob goes to Paris." I seriously hope I get them both done soon. Now back to my summer vacation!